Humanity Journal2024-12-08T12:11:42+00:00Ferri Yonanthaidebahasa@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p>eScience Humanity Journal is a social and humanities journal that can be used by researchers both in educational and public institutions. This journal is published twice each year in November and May.</p> <p> </p> dan Eksistensi Ekologis: Kajian Ekokritik Terhadap Tradisi Lisan Dalam Ritual Ceriak Nerang Suku Jerieng2024-10-22T22:12:39+00:00Andri Fernandaandrifernanda92@gmail.comIrvan Ansyariirvan@gmail.comArthur Muhammad<p>This research aims to analyze the ecological existence of oral traditions in the Ceriak Nerang ritual of the Jerieng Tribe, Simpang Teritip District, West Bangka. In the village of Kundi Bersatu, West Bangka, the Ceriak Nerang ritual by the Jering tribe is precisely held. It can be seen that the continuity of the ritual becomes part of the preservation of the oral tradition as well as showing the ecological role in Jerieng tribe’s life. This research uses descriptive qualitative method by using gathered data from journals, magazines, and online media based on the analysis involved. The result of this research shows an overview of the description related to the fact, and how the sequences of the phenomena occur. Surprisingly, oral tradition plays a pivotal role not only for sharing the past event but also it helps to maintain the ritual of Ceriak Nerang which leads to preserve the nature of west Bangka.</p>2024-11-08T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Manusia dan Alam dalam Kesenian Talempong Kayu Masyarakat Nagari Rangking Luluih Kabupaten Solok2024-10-22T22:04:45+00:00Septriani Septrianiseptriani22@gmail.comEdi<p>This study examines the relationship between humans and nature in the art of wooden talempong in Nagari Rangking Luluih, Solok Regency. Humans and nature are two inseparable entities. The natural environment determines human culture. Likewise, humans can change the natural environment in their efforts to adapt and utilize resources. Art is one of the universal elements of culture whose creation can also come from nature. One example is the wooden talempong. Therefore, the problem raised in this study is how the background of the creation and repertoire in wooden talempong represent the relationship between humans and nature. The data collection methods used are direct observation, in-depth interviews, documentation and literature studies. This data is then analyzed using the cultural ecology approach by Julian Steward who explains that there is an interaction between culture and the environment that takes place through the adaptation process. The results show that wooden talempong was born from a ritual tradition of gratitude for the people of Nagari Rangking Luluih for the harvest and a good life. Furthermore, the repertoire in the wooden talempong beat tones often describes the harmony of humans and nature. From here it is clearly seen that wooden talempong is not only an art that represents beauty alone. Moreover, in Minangkabau society there is a philosophy of "alam takambang jadi guru" which shows how important the role of nature is in various aspects of life.</p>2024-11-08T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Budaya Kerja, Komitmen Tugas dan Komunikasi Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Pada Dinas Kesehatan dan PBKB Kabupaten Lingga2024-11-06T11:21:29+00:00Hasim Hasimhasimkan52@gmail.comUtrika SatifaliSatifali@gmail.comTeuku Taufik ArdiansyahArdiansyah@gmail.comFitria<p><em>This research was conducted with the aim of understanding the influence of work culture, task commitment, and work communication on employee performance at the Health Office and PPKB of Lingga Regency. The total population in this study consists of all employees of the Health Office and PPKB of Lingga Regency, totaling 255 individuals. The sample size was determined using the Slovin formula, resulting in a sample of 156 respondents. The sampling technique is through probability sampling. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires to the respondents. The collected data was processed using SPSS data processing software. The research findings indicate that work culture has an insignificant effect on employee performance, task commitment has a significant effect on employee performance, and work communication has a significant effect on employee performance. Simultaneously, it is known that work culture, task commitment, and work communication significantly influence employee performance. The adjusted R square value is 0.891 or 89.1%. This means that work culture, task commitment, and work communication can explain employee performance variables by 89.1%. Meanwhile, the remaining 10.9% is explained by other variables not included in this research model.</em></p>2024-11-08T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Kepemimpinan Transformasional, Kompetensi Kerja dan Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai (ASN) Pada Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (Rsud) Dabo Kabupaten Lingga2024-11-06T11:22:19+00:00Roni RoniRoni@gmail.comHendri<p><em>This study was conducted with the aim of determining the effect of transformational leadership, work competence and work motivation on employee performance at the Dabo Regional General Hospital (RSUD) of Lingga Regency. The population in this study was 103 employees. The determination of the number of samples used the Slovin formula. So that the number of samples obtained was 82 respondents. The sampling technique was probability sampling. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires to respondents. The collected data was processed using SPSS data processing software. From the results of the study, it is known that partially transformational leadership has no significant effect on employee performance, work competence has a significant effect on employee performance, work motivation has a significant effect on employee performance. Simultaneously, it is known that transformational leadership, work competence and work motivation have a significant effect on employee performance. The adjusted R square value is 0.914 or 91.4%. This means that transformational leadership, work competence and work motivation are able to explain employee performance variables by 91.4%. While the remaining 8.6% is explained by other variables that are not included in this research model.</em></p>2024-11-08T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Implementasi Kerja, Kerjasama Tim Dan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Pegawai Pada Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika Kabupaten Lingga2024-11-06T11:28:47+00:00Izjumadillah IzjumadillahIzjumadillah@gmail.comHendri<p><em>teamwork, and information system management on employee productivity at the Communication and Information Office of Lingga Regency. The total population in this study consists of 63 employees. The determination of the sample size was done using a saturated sampling technique, which means that all members of the population were used as the research sample. Thus, a total of 63 respondents were obtained as samples. The sampling technique is through probability sampling. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires to the respondents. The collected data was processed using SPSS data processing software. The research findings indicate that, partially, work implementation has an insignificant effect on employee productivity, team collaboration has a significant effect on employee productivity, and information system management has a significant effect on employee productivity. Simultaneously, work implementation, team collaboration, and information system management significantly affect employee productivity. The adjusted R square value is 0.425 or 42.5%. This means that the implementation of work, teamwork, and information system management can explain the work productivity variable by 42.5%. Meanwhile, the remaining 57.5% is explained by other variables that were not included in this research model.</em></p>2024-11-08T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Politics Based on Bureaucratic Resources in the 2024 Legislative Election in South Bangka Regency2024-10-22T22:47:44+00:00Putri Putriputrithra33@gmail.comIbrahim IbrahimIbrahim@gmail.comNovendra<p><sub>Politics and bureaucracy are inseparable and interrelated. In the 2024 elections, especially in the legislative elections, bureaucracy is intertwined in kinship political relations. Bureaucracy and kinship politics refer to the practice where candidates or political parties use family relationships and the power they have within the bureaucracy to gain support and attempt to win elections. This research aims to identify related forms of utilization of bureaucratic resource-based kinship politics in legislative elections in South Bangka Regency. The theories used in this research are kinship theory by Schneider (1968) and resource mobilization theory by Oberschall (1973). This research uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach where primary data sources are obtained through interviews, observation and documentation, while secondary data is obtained through library materials that can support primary information. The results of this research indicate that this form of utilization of bureaucratic resource-based kinship politics has a significant influence in determining a person's political choices and support. This can be seen from the family support provided through resource mobilization. The determinant factors for the emergence and success of this resource mobilization theory consist of five things including social organizational movements, leaders and leadership, resources and resource mobilization which are classified into five types, namely moral resources, cultural resources, social-organizational resources, human resources and material resources, then networks and participation, as well as opportunities and community capacity. In efforts to provide voting support to their families, bureaucratic actors are limited by regulations and public positions so that mobilization is not carried out optimally.</sub></p>2024-11-08T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Terhadap Sekularisasi Ilmu dalam Pandangan Syed Hossen Nasr dan Korelasinya Dalam Pembangunan Ilmu Hukum Tansendental2024-11-06T14:50:07+00:00Riki<p><em>This research aims to see the view or criticism of the secularization of science from the view of an Islamic thinker from Iran named Syed Hossein Nasr and relate it to legal development in Indonesia, which uses a transcendental perspective. The development of science, which tends to be secular, is due to the separation of science from religion, especially in the Western scientific tradition, which began in the Renaissance era and resulted in the drying out of Western science from transcendental values. The two problems raised in this research are how Syed An Nashr's concept of thinking views the secularization of science and how Syed An Nashr's thinking correlates with the development of transcendental legal science in Indonesia. The result of this research is that Syed Hossein Nasr, an Islamic thinker with his Perennial philosophy, explains the importance of returning transcendental values to science. Nasr's thinking also correlates with the transcendental legal perspective developed as a response to the dryness of law from the divine aspect.</em></p>2024-11-08T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal of the Trilingual Handbook and Anti-Bullying Action for Teacher Working Group in Enrekang City2024-11-06T15:11:40+00:00Umiyati Jabriumiyatijabri@gmail.comIta Sarmita Samad Samad@gmai.comAsrina<div> <p class="JPEAbstractBodyEnglish"><span lang="EN-US">This study aimed to implement the Trilingual Handbook for English language teaching and the Anti-Bullying Action strategies across 8 elementary schools in Cluster 1, Enrekang Regency. The program was designed to improve English teaching through the integration of local wisdom-based materials and to foster safer school environments through structured anti-bullying campaigns. The Trilingual Handbook was successfully adopted by 4 out of 8 schools, demonstrating its potential to enhance language learning when effectively applied. However, challenges such as time constraints and unfamiliarity with the new methods hindered full adoption in the remaining schools. The Anti-Bullying Action strategies were implemented in 7 out of 8 schools, leading to a significant reduction in bullying incidents and improved student awareness. These results indicate that the program had a positive impact, although ongoing mentoring and support are essential to ensure full and sustained implementation across all schools.</span></p> </div>2024-11-08T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Ibu Kota Negara Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 3 Tahun 2022 Tentang Ibu Kota Negara Perspektif Fiqih Siyasah2024-11-06T14:25:18+00:00Syaifullah Yunita<p>The National Capital is the center of government and political activities in a country. In Indonesia, plans to move the National Capital have already occurred but have not been implemented. Until the era of President Joko Widodo, this policy was issued again with the enactment of Law Number 3 of 2022 concerning the National Capital. However, this law contains pros and cons, especially in article 6 which regulates the destination location for transferring IKN. This research aims to analyze the provisions and reasons behind the relocation of the National Capital following Law Number 3 of 2022 concerning the National Capital, as well as to find out the views of Fiqh Siyasah regarding the relocation of the National Capital. This research uses normative legal methods which focus on text analysis and library research. With legislation that reviews laws and regulations relating to the transfer of the country's capital. The results of this research indicate that the location of IKN is based on article 6 of Law no. 3 of 2022 concerning the National Capital which is essentially located in East Kalimantan. Then the reason for moving the National Capital is the current objective conditions of the City of Jakarta, namely, urban density, building density, motor vehicle traffic density, natural disasters, the threat of ROB and excessive exploitation of groundwater extraction. In the view of Siyasah Fiqh, moving the National Capital can be justified, as long as it does not violate the people's rights. Because basically the principle of Siyasah Fiqh emphasizes that avoiding harm is better than taking advantage.</p>2024-11-08T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Kemampuan dan Sikap Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Pada Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Padang Lawas2024-11-15T15:21:53+00:00Romatua Nasutionromatuanasution92@gmail.comAli Mukti Tanjung Tanjung@gmail.comAli<p><em>The aim of this research, in essence, is to find out how significant the influence of Ability and Attitude is on Employee Performance. The method used is the analytical descriptive method with a quantitative approach. The population in this study was 31 people and the sample was 30 people and the sampling technique was purposive sampling. Data collection techniques using questionnaires, documentation, interviews and literature studies. The data analysis technique uses multiple linear regression. The results of the research show that ability has a significant influence of 0.530 or 53.0% on the performance of employees of the Department of Education and Culture of Padan Lawas Regency, the influence is in the medium category. Where the skills are better, employee performance will also be higher. Attitude has a significant influence of 0.589 or 58.9% on the performance of employees of the Education and Culture Department of Padan Lawas Regency, the influence is in the medium category. There is a positive influence where the better the attitude, the higher the employee's performance. Simultaneously, the ability and attitude variables have a significant influence of 0.509 or 50.9% on the performance of employees of the Padan Lawas Regency Education and Culture Department in the moderate category, with the remaining 20.6% explained by other factors.</em></p>2024-11-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Pengawasan, Pendelegasian Wewenang dan Komunikasi Terhadap Prestasi Kerja Pegawai Puskesmas Pada Dinas Kesehatan Pengendalian Penduduk dan Keluarga Berencana Kabupaten Lingga2024-11-09T04:44:56+00:00Yasir AfdillahAfdillah@gmail.comRoyhandy RifantoRifanto@gmail.comUmar Wira KartiniKartini@gmail.comSabri SabriSabri@gmail.comSuyono<p>This study was conducted with the aim of determining the effect of supervision, delegation of authority and communication on the work performance of Puskesmas employees at the Lingga Regency Population Control and Family Planning Health Office. The population in this study was 462 employees. The determination of the number of samples using the slovin formula with an error rate of 10%. So that the number of samples was obtained as many as 82 respondents. The sampling technique is by probability sampling. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires to respondents. The collected data is processed using SPSS data processing software. From the results of the study, it is known that partially, supervision has a significant effect on employee work performance, delegation of authority has a significant effect on employee work performance and communication has a non- significant effect on employee work performance. Simultaneously, it is known that supervision, delegation of authority and communication have a significant effect on employee performance. The adjusted R square value is 0.744 or 74.4%, which means that supervision, delegation of authority and communication can affect employee performance by 74.4%. While the remaining 25.6% was influenced by other factors not described in this research model</p>2024-11-17T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Kompetensi, Perilaku Pimpinan, dan Kualitas Kerja Terhadap Efektivitas Kerja Pada Tim Kerja Program Tuberkulosis Puskesmas di Kabupaten Lingga2024-11-09T04:44:19+00:00Hendri Hermanherman@gmail.comWirawan Trisna Putrawiarwan@gmail.comNurvianty NurviantyNurvianty@gmail.comZurrahman Zurrahmandanmuslish5@gmail.comSiti Hajar<p>This research was conducted with the aim of understanding the influence of competence, leadership behavior, and work quality on work effectiveness within the tuberculosis program teams at community health centers in Lingga Regency. The total population in this study is 42 employees. The determination of the sample size uses the saturation sampling technique, which means that all members of the population are made part of the research sample. Thus, a total sample size of 42 respondents was obtained. The sampling technique is through probability sampling. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires to the respondents. The collected data was processed using SPSS data processing software. The research findings indicate that, individually, competence has a significant effect on work effectiveness, leadership behavior has a significant effect on work effectiveness, and work quality has a significant effect on work effectiveness. Simultaneously, it is known that competence, leadership behavior, and work quality significantly influence work effectiveness. The adjusted R square value is 0.590 or 59%. This means that competence, leadership behavior, and work quality can explain the work effectiveness variable by 59%. Meanwhile, the remaining 41% is explained by other variables not included in this research model.</p>2024-11-17T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Budaya Organisasi, Struktur Komunikasi dan Sistem Penghargaan Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Pada Kantor Badan Kepegawaian Pengembangan SDM Kota Batam2024-11-09T02:52:14+00:00Ernita Lestariernita05lestari@gmail.comDeden MuhidinMuhidin@gmail.comNelly Chandrawati ManaluManalu@gmail.comHendri<p>This study was conducted with the aim to determine the effect of organizational culture, communication structure and reward system on employee performance at the Batam City HR Development Staffing Agency office. The population in this study were employees of the Batam City HR Development Staffing Agency. The total population is 52 employees. The determination of the number of samples using saturated sample technique, so that the number of samples was 52 employees. The sampling technique is probability sampling. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires to respondents. The data that has been collected is processed using SPSS data processing software. From the results of the study, it is known that organizational culture has a significant effect on employee performance, communication structure has a significant effect on employee performance, the reward system has no significant effect on employee performance. Simultaneously, it is known that organizational culture, communication structure and reward system have a significant effect on employee performance. The adjusted R square value is 0.584 or 58.4%. This means that organizational culture, communication structure and reward system are able to explain employee performance by 58.4%, while the remaining 41.6% is influenced by other factors not included in this research model.</p>2024-11-17T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Morfem Pada Tuturan Minang Kabau: Suatu Kajian Morfologi2024-10-22T22:05:58+00:00Mhd<p>The research aims to look for Minangkabau speech events spoken by Minangkabau residents living in Batam using a morphological approach. Then the researcher used Johan's theory which was related to his previous research which was published in the Alfabeta journal and was supported by Johan's other theories. Then, in collecting data, researchers used the contribution method using the expert listening and involvement technique which was initiated by Sudaryanto and supported by Nadra's theory in the form of the fishing rod technique. To analyze the data, researchers used a technique for direct elements, where this technique directly analyzes the words produced by respondents. After the data was analyzed, results were obtained. The results obtained were the occurrence of phoneme deletions in speech. The syllables are 4 times at the beginning of the syllable with a percentage of 36%, in the middle of the syllable 1 time with a percentage of 9%, at the end of the syllable 1 time with a percentage of 9% and utterances that do not contain syllables 5 times with a percentage of 45% . Words that do not contain punctuation consist of basic words and affixes.</p>2024-11-21T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Kompetensi Sumber Daya Manusia dan Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi Terhadap Kualitas Laporan Keuangan Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Padang Lawas2024-11-19T03:22:52+00:00Kurnia Mukti Tanjungalimuktitanjung445@gmail.coBobby Indra<p><em>The 2020 Padang Lawas Regency Education and Culture Service Financial Report was prepared to provide relevant information regarding the financial position and all transactions carried out by the reporting entity during 1 (one) reporting period. Financial reports are mainly used to compare the realization of income, expenditure, transfers and financing with the established budget, assess the condition of the financial balance, assess the effectiveness and efficiency of a reporting entity and help determine its compliance with statutory regulations. This research is a correlational descriptive research. The research samples in this study were employees of the Padang Lawas Regency Education and Culture Service, totaling 30 employees out of 31 employees. Research instrument by distributing questionnaires. Data collection techniques using literature study, documentation, questionnaires and interviews. Validity and Reliability Test. The classic assumptions in this research consist of normality of multicollinearity and heteroscedasticity test data. Data Analysis Techniques using Multiple Linear Regression analysis. The research results show that there is a significant influence on the use of information technology from the Padang Lawas Regency Education and Culture Service of 0.767 or 76.7% in the strong category. This means that the better the use of information technology, the higher the quality of the financial reports. This can be seen from the assessment of each indicator, namely speed, consistency, precision and reliability.</em></p>2024-11-21T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Putusan PTUN Medan Nomor 33/G/2023/PTUN.MDN Tentang Pemberhentian Kepala Dinas Perhubungan Sumatera Utara Menurut Persfektif Siyasah Qadha’iyyah2024-11-19T03:23:57+00:00Wilda Ramadhaniwilda264@gmail.comAnnisa Sativa<p><em>This research aims to analyze aspects of the unilateral dismissal of the Head of the Transportation Service by the Governor of North Sumatra regarding the decision of the Medan State Administrative Court with Number 33/G/2023/PTUN.MDN which arose as a result of a lawsuit against the Governor of North Sumatra which was caused by the issuance of the Governor's Decree with No. 800/0141/BKD/III/I/2023 concerning the Plaintiff being demoted or transferred to become Secretary of the North Sumatra Provincial Manpower Service with a rank or grade down to Echelon III.a. The contents of the Governor's Decree contain the dismissal of Ir. Supriyanto, MM served as head of the Transportation Service located in North Sumatra and he was placed in a new position as Secretary of the North Sumatra Province Manpower Service with a rank or class down to Echelon III.a This research uses library research methods because this research is normative juridical in nature. The result of this decision is to grant all of the applicant's requests to annul and require them to revoke the Decree of the Governor of North Sumatra No. 800/0141/BKD/III/I/2023 which contains the dismissal of Ir. Supriyanto, MM from the position of head of the Transportation Service on January 5 2023. The Governor's decree was declared void because it was deemed to have procedural errors in its issuance. And this research attempts to analyze the principle of siyāsah qaḍhā'iyyah regarding the PTUN's authority in dismissing the Head of the Transportation Service, and how the concept of siyāsah qaḍhā'iyyah is relevant to the authority to dismiss the Head of the Transportation Service through the PTUN's decision.</em></p>2024-11-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Citizen Participation in Public Adminitration: A Review Literature2024-11-24T04:04:30+00:00Maryam SalampessyAmeruddinabdullah@gmail.comAat Ruchiat Nungrahavia90@gmail.comDiah Fatma SjoraidaVashsdk2@gmail.comHadion Wijoyodragonsexualcolate195@ucf.eduRasyid RasyidBachtiar@gmail.comTomi Apra SantosaSanjuaprilisia2307@gmail.comAndri KurniawanBachtiar@gmail.comAndi Sri Rezky<p><em>This study aims to comprehensively review the literature related to citizen participation in public administration. Citizen participation is an important element in increasing transparency, accountability, and governance effectiveness. This study uses a literature review method to analyze the concepts, dimensions, supporting factors, and challenges that affect citizens' involvement in public administration. The results of the study show that citizen participation can be implemented through various forms, such as consultation, dialogue, collaboration, and direct empowerment. Digital technologies, such as e-governance and social media, have expanded the space for participation, although there are still obstacles such as inequality in access to technology, lack of digital literacy, and bureaucratic resistance. Other factors that play a role include inclusive policies, responsive leadership, and a participatory culture in society. In addition, citizen participation not only improves the quality of public services, but also strengthens democracy. The study provides recommendations for developing a strategic framework to integrate citizen participation into public administration more effectively, with a focus on sustainability, inclusivity, and adaptation to technological change.</em></p>2024-11-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Virtual Tour Reality 360° Pengenalan Lingkungan Kampus Institut Seni Indonesia Padang Panjang Berbasis Website2024-11-24T04:06:17+00:00Khairunnisa Syukri ErwinErwin@gmail.comWell<p>Aplikasi Virtual tour Reality 360° berbasis website ini dirancang untuk memberikan pengalaman interaktif dan mendalam dalam pengenalan lingkungan Kampus ISI Padangpanjang. Dengan memanfaatkan teknologi panorama 360°, aplikasi ini memungkinkan pengguna untuk menjelajahi berbagai area kampus secara virtual, tanpa harus berada di lokasi fisik. Melalui antarmuka berbasis web yang ramah pengguna, aplikasi ini menyajikan gambar panorama berkualitas tinggi dari berbagai lokasi penting di kampus, termasuk gedung fakultas, fasilitas umum, dan ruang-ruang penting lainnya. Pengguna dapat berinteraksi dengan elemen-elemen di dalam tour, seperti peta interaktif dan titik informasi, untuk mendapatkan deskripsi rinci dan informasi tambahan mengenai tiap area. Aplikasi ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman dan aksesibilitas lingkungan kampus bagi calon mahasiswa, orang tua, dan pengunjung, serta mendukung proses orientasi kampus dengan cara yang inovatif dan menarik. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah metode SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) yang dibagi kedalam 5 tahap yaitu analisa kebutuhan, desain, implementasi, pengujian dan perawatan perangkat lunak. SDLC diterapkan melalui model proses pengembangan perangkat lunak yaitu waterfall. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan adanya penerapan virtual tour di lingkungan ISI Padang Panjang, diharapkan dapat dimanfaatkan untuk pengenalan lingkungan kampus pada mahasiswa baru dan dosen baru ISI Padang Panjang tanpa harus berkumpul atau datang langsung ke ISI Padang Panjang. Selain itu, aplikasi virtual tour ini dapat dijadikan sebagai media promosi bagi para siswa dengan mengenalkan lingkungan kampus yang sejuk dan nyaman.</p>2024-11-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Influence of Problem Based Learners on Students' Mathematical Thinking Ability in Understanding and Applying Polya Stages2024-11-28T12:50:45+00:00Mohammad Edy Nurtamamsyahriala555@gmail.comAna Naimatul<p><em>The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of problem-based learning on students' mathematical ability in understanding and applying polya stages. This research is a type of quantitative research with a meta-analysis approach. The sample of this study comes from 13 studies indexed by Sinta or Scopus published in 2021-2024. The data collection technique is direct observation with the PRISMA data selection method. The data analysis in this study is a quantitative analysis by calculating the effect size value with the help of the JASP application. The results of the study concluded that the problem-based learning model provided a significant impact on students' mathematical thinking ability in understanding and applying polya stages with a value of (d = 1.042; p < 0.001) with a medium effect size category</em></p>2024-11-28T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Safety Knowledge Through Digital Reading Modules for Oil And Gas Workers2024-11-25T03:27:01+00:00Hendra NugrahaNugraha@gmail.comGabriella Japjapgabriella1@gmail.comHilarius Raditya Priambada<p>This study explores the development of English-language digital instructional modules tailored for personnel in the safety divisions of oil and gas industries. Focusing on the difficulties faced with English-language reading comprehension, the researchers crafted a comprehensive English instructional module, comprising the module content itself alongside ten varied quiz formats. Having been developed, the module was subjected to expert evaluation, with end-users offering insights into both the instructional content and quizzes during the implementation phase. Findings indicate that this digital format holds potential for field deployment; however, certain users continue to experience challenges in comprehending reading material while completing quizzes. Digital module developed also has easiness according to participants and therefore it can be developed further for another set of skills or different registers.</p>2024-11-28T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Pelestarian Musik Daerah Talempong Batuang dari Silungkang Oso Kota Sawahlunto Melalui Film Pendek Dokumenter2024-11-28T12:20:00+00:00Fino Aidil AkbarAkbar@gmail.comMaisaratun<p><em>This research examines the preservation of the traditional talempong batuang musical instrument through documentary films as part of efforts to preserve cultural heritage. Talempong batuang, a melodious percussion instrument typical of Silungkang, Sawahlunto, was recognized as Indonesia's intangible cultural heritage in 2023 after going through a long nomination and verification process. By using a research approach carried out in the creation of documentary films based on communication theory and social change based on Marshall McLuhan's theory, this research analyzes how documentary films become an effective vehicle for recording, educating and spreading the cultural values of Talempong Batuang. The results show that documentary films not only function as visual archives but also as a way of preserving culture, making it an appropriate conservation strategy in facing the challenges of modernization. This study recommends collaboration between cultural actors, policy makers and filmmakers to develop other local traditions through documentary films.</em></p>2024-11-28T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Kemerosotan Moral Gen Z Dalam Film Sajen: Kajian Psikoanalisis Sigmund Freud 2024-10-22T22:46:23+00:00M. Sholeh Sihombingmuhammadsoleh8492@gmail.comCantika Mawarnicantikamawarni26@gmail.comNia Nianiakhairunnisa270405@gmail.comMonalisa Senada Sitompulmonalisasitompul18@gmail.comAndina Hadawiyahandinahadawiyah220@gmail.comHeny<p>The film Sajen shows a form of moral decandant in Gen Z that still often occurs in their social lives. The acts of bullying, juvenile delinquency, and cyberbullying shown in this film are examples of moral decline that has followed the current young generation. The purpose of this study is to see the implications of bullying on Alanda's personality and mentality as a victim, as well as to see the personality that encourages Bianca to be aggressive as shown in the Sajen film through the analysis of Sigmund Freud's Psychology. The research method used is a qualitative method using several stages, including literature study, data analysis, and data validity. The results of this study found that the conception of id and ego has an effect on the emergence of Alanda's intention to commit suicide while the superego is related to the ego in showing morality to Alanda. Meanwhile, Bianca's id and ego play a role in showing Bianca's personality which encourages her to be aggressive. One of Bianca's aggressive actions encountered in Sajen's film is in the form of bullying several students at school.</p>2024-11-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal's Revenge: Deconstructing Hierarchy in ‘Cerita Batu’2024-12-01T01:48:02+00:00Lismalindalisma.linda90@gmail.comElmi Novitanovit@gmail.comIffah Fauziah RahardyRahardy@gmail.comTomi<p><em>This paper analyzes the short story Cerita Batu through the lens of deconstruction, focusing on the reversal of hierarchical oppositions and the rejection of new hierarchical structures. The analysis identifies key binary oppositions in the text Man/Woman, Living Things/Inanimate Objects, and Happy/Sad and examines how these oppositions function within the narrative. The study highlights how the text initially presents dominant and marginal hierarchies, such as male dominance over female and human superiority over inanimate objects, which are later deconstructed. By reversing these hierarchies, the story reveals the interdependence between opposing elements: men and women, humans and stones, and happiness and sadness. The narrative demonstrates that these binary oppositions are not fixed, but fluid and interconnected, showing how meaning in the text is plural and resistant to singular interpretations. Ultimately, Cerita Batu emphasize the idea that oppositions are mutually constitutive, challenging conventional notions of dominance and subordination.</em></p>2024-11-17T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Finance and Green Bonds: Bridging the Gap Between Protability and Environmental Responsibility2024-12-01T01:17:31+00:00Chairil Afandybeatricvideliaremme@gmail.comRizyana Mirdavia90@gmail.comSuhardyvia90@gmail.comRizal Ula Ananta Fauzifadilautami3@gmai.comHatidja HatidjaHatidja@gmail.comMuhammad FachriFachri@gmail.comJamaludin<p><em>This study aims to explore the role of sustainable finance and green bonds in bridging the gap between corporate profitability and environmental responsibility. With the increasing global demand for sustainable investment, green bonds are emerging as a financial instrument that allows companies to integrate environmental aspects into their business strategies without sacrificing financial gains. This study uses descriptive analysis methods and case studies to assess the impact of green bonds on the company's financial performance and environment. The results of the study show that investing in green bonds not only drives long-term economic benefits, but also improves the company's image in social and environmental responsibility. These findings underscore the importance of integration between economic benefits and environmental sustainability in the modern financial world.</em></p>2024-11-18T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Role of the International Criminal Court: A Literature Review on Its Effectiveness and Limitations2024-12-05T15:16:14+00:00Sarah Sarmila<p><em>The International Criminal Court (ICC) plays a critical role in promoting global justice by addressing crimes against humanity, war crimes, and genocide. This literature review examines the effectiveness and limitations of the ICC in fulfilling its mandate. The study synthesizes findings from existing research to evaluate the court’s ability to prosecute offenders, deter future crimes, and support victims. Key factors influencing its effectiveness include jurisdictional constraints, the reliance on state cooperation, and the political dynamics within the United Nations Security Council. The review highlights significant achievements, such as landmark prosecutions and the establishment of legal precedents, while also identifying persistent challenges, including enforcement of arrest warrants and perceptions of bias. Furthermore, the study explores proposed reforms to strengthen the ICC's capacity to achieve its objectives. This review contributes to the discourse on international justice by providing a comprehensive analysis of the ICC's impact and areas for improvement, offering insights for policymakers, scholars, and practitioners in the field of international law.</em></p>2024-11-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Language Analysis Used in “The Adventure of Tom Sawyer” Movie2024-11-06T15:08:33+00:00Ricky Ambaleginambalegin@gmail.comTomi<p>Movies are popular forms of entertainment for younger individuals and a useful instruments for language learning. This study focuses on semantics, specifically the use of metaphorical language in the film "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer." Semantics is a method of linguistics that studies meaning, including synonyms, antonyms, word meanings, and word relationships. This study used a qualitative research method to detect different types of metaphorical language in the movie script. The qualitative approach entails analyzing data using words and utterances, whereas the data was collected and analyzed using methodology and observation. The study approach consisted of watching the film, analyzing the transcript, and identifying metaphorical terms. The researchers used a non-participant technique, in which they studied the movie transcript without directly interacting with the subjects. The study identified and classified 13 instances of figurative language, including 1 simile (7.7%), 2 metaphors (15.4%), 2 personifications (15.4%), 2 hyperboles (15.4%), 2 occurrences of irony (15.4%), 2 cases of symbolism (15.4%), 1 paradox (7.7%), and 1 litotes (7.7%). The findings highlight the film's varied use of figurative language, which enriches the story and improves comprehension, making it an interesting medium for language learners.</p>2024-11-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Learning Techniques for Image and Speech Recognition: Current Trends and Future Directions2024-12-05T15:36:22+00:00Soleman<p>This study examines the latest developments and future directions of deep learning techniques in image and sound recognition. The study focuses on the analysis of various neural network architectures such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for image processing and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) for speech recognition. The methodology used includes a comprehensive literature study of the latest studies, evaluation of the performance of various models, and comparative analysis of existing techniques. The results showed a significant improvement in recognition accuracy, with CNNs achieving up to 98% accuracy for image classification and transformer-based models outperforming traditional RNNs in speech recognition. The challenges identified include high computational requirements, reliance on quality datasets, and model interpretability issues. The study also proposes several future development directions, including the integration of attention mechanisms, hybrid architectures, and more efficient learning techniques. In conclusion, despite the rapid progress, there is still significant room for innovation in improving the efficiency and reliability of deep learning-based image and voice recognition systems</p>2024-11-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Effect of Machine Learning-Assisted Inquiry Based Learning Size Model on Students' Problem-Solving Thinking Skills2024-12-08T08:42:51+00:00Heppy Sapuleteheppy@gmail.comTomi Apra santosaSanjuaprilisia2307@gmail.comHasyim Mahmud Wantuvia90@gmail.comAhamd Zain Sarnotonurjumaidi92@gmail.comAat Ruchiat Nungrahafadilautami3@gmai.comEko Nursalimayuk2881@gmail.comTogam E Panggabeannurjumaidi92@gmail.comAlek Irawan<p>This study aims to determine the influence of the Machine Learning-assisted Inquiry Based Learning Model on Students' Problem-Solving Thinking Ability. This type of research is a quantitative research with a meta-analysis approach. The data sources in this study come from 12 reputable national and international journals published in 2022-2024. The data collection technique is direct observation through the jury database. The search for data sources in this study is based on google scholar; ERIC, Wiley and Sciencedirect. Data analysis is quantitative data analysis by calculating the effect size value. The results of the study concluded that the inquiry-based learning model assisted by machine learning had a positive influence on students' problem-solving ability with an effect size value of 1,02 in the high effects size category</p>2024-11-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Media Tiktok Sebagai Ruang Baru Jurnalistik Adaptasi Media Tradisional Terhadap Tren Digital2024-12-08T08:27:56+00:00M Yoserizal<p><em>This article discusses the transformation of TikTok from the entertainment platform into a new journalistic space, while exploring how traditional media adapts to digital trends. With interactive short video formats, TikTok has opened opportunities for journalists to reach younger audiences. However, the platform also presents the challenges associated with validity, credibility, and news presentations that match the ethics of the journalistic ethics. Through a qualitative approach, this article examines the role of TikTok as the distribution media of information and adaptation carried out by traditional media to remain relevant in the digital age</em></p>2024-11-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Taman Nasional Takabonerate Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar Melalui Media Sosial2024-12-08T12:11:42+00:00Nur<p><em>This research aims to analyze </em><em>the promotional strategy for Takabonerate National Park through social media. Promotions are used through social media created by the National Park Office and the Selayar Tourism Service such as YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, tiktok, website and Facebook so that visitors or tourists, both domestic and international, visit more and find out information related to TNTB in detail and accurately. This research use a qualitative descriptive method. By conducting interviews and observations, and </em><em>data from references study, journal, magazine, and online media based in the analysis involved.</em> <em>The results of this research are to find out whether the use of promotion via social media has a more positive impact and is most appropriate for use by the Takabonerate National Park Center and the Selayar Tourism Service because the cost of promotion via social media is relatively cheap and efficient given the TNTB location.</em></p>2024-11-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Investigation of Figurative Language in “The Count of Monte Cristo” Movie2024-11-06T15:09:25+00:00Muhammad Rayhan<p>This research aimed to investigate the use of figurative language in “The Count of Monte Cristo” movie. In this research, qualitative descriptive used as the research method. The researchers examined the script from “The Count of Monte Cristo” movie as the data source. In collecting the data, the method was observation and the technique was non-participant. Meanwhile, in analyzing the data, the method was identification and the technique was matching to the theory. The utterances from the transcript of the movie which were taken as the data were analyzed narratively. The researchers used the theory of (Abrams & Harpham, 2013) to discover the use of figurative language. The researchers discovered 22 utterances from the movie’s script that show the use of figurative language. There were simile, metaphor, hyperbole, and personification.</p>2024-11-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal